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I sat on the toilet and with a grunt and a shout, what was hurting my tummy, had made its way out.

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I waved goodbye as I started to flush, Lou spun around like he was in a rush.



I threw the dice and the cards that came with it, with stomping and pouting I declared "I Quit!"


"My name is Lisa", she said with a smile, "Why don't we sit and talk for awhile".


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I play so much that I begin to sweat, and soon my shirt gets very wet.

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He smiled at me and said "Hi I'm Gene," "It's time for me to get you clean".


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When others want to join our group, I often tell them to "Fly the coop".

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With a soft quiet voice she said "My name is Gert", "and I am here to tell you that bullying does hurt".


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When grown-ups are talking, I simply can't wait, I interrupt with stories that I create.

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"When someone thinks of themselves only", "They can end up being very lonely".

Theo the Trash Can

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Picking up trash is not my job, even if others think I'm a slob.

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"To clean the environment we must all do our part", "Picking up trash is a heck of a start".

It Was Denise

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I am constantly making up hard to believe stories, of trips, of sports, of all categories.

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"I know you are alone because you lack modesty", "Friends do not like tall tales, they like honesty".

Not Too Tall Paul

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Rules are made for others not me,

I'm more important, It's plain to see.

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"My name is Paul, and I do have to say",

"What you just did, could have injured you today".

Snot Named Scott

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Sometimes when things go really well,

I pass gas with a horrible smell.

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"When you have the need to expel",

"Coughing or sneezing into your elbow is swell".

My Toothbrush Named Dave

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But brushing my teeth is where I draw the line, It takes too long and I have no time.

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"My name is Dave", he said with a smile, "You should brush your teeth, once in a while".

Marie the Salt Shaker

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Trying new foods is not what I do, When put in my plate I say,"No thank you".

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"My name is Marie and we must talk about food", "You should try new things and not be a prude".

Angel Versus Kelly

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One afternoon while enjoying my day, My stomach started to growl and rumble away.

"You had it first and that is a fact, Keeping it for yourself is how you should act."

From J to R

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Computers and televisions are fine and quite dandy, But to learn more information, were not always handy.

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"My name is JR and knowledge is grand", "Books are great reading and always at hand."

Sharon Share Alike

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When my little brother comes to play,

I shout at him to stay away.

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Well before I knew it, we were all having fun, Even my brother shouted that I was number one.

Whoa Nellie

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Doing homework is never fun, I don't care if it is right, as long as it's done.

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I turned to see a young boy smile, He said "My name is Nellie and I like your style."

Peter the Talking Comb

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Every hair must be in its own place, To go out otherwise, would be a disgrace.

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"Hold it a second, my dear friend," "My name is Peter and this behaviour must end."

Lawrence the Lone Sock

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My room is messy, I know this is true. But keeping it clean is for someone else to do.

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"Putting away clothes and making your bed," "Are some of the things you should really not dread."

Advice From Larry and Gail

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Whenever I get a poor report card, I just say that learning is too hard.

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"My name is Larry and this is Gail, my friend," "We have some advice that we recommend."

Barb on TV

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Watching silly videos may be stupid for some, But I will sit for hours until my you-know-what becomes numb

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"Watching tv is okay, don't get me wrong", "Except when you watch it all day long".

Gamepad Brad

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Playing video games is what I like to do, Trying to reach each level that I pursue.

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"I really enjoy the time we spend together", "But you should be outside in this nice weather".

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